In this blog post, we aim to delve deeper into the advantages derived from the adoption of the Standard and the attainment of certification. Rather than creating a hypothetical list of benefits, we find it more valuable to share insights gained from our collaboration with organizations over the past 17 years as they pursued ISO 27001 certification. Our focus has been on documenting real-world experiences related to ISO 27001, encompassing challenges, issues, and successes across organizations of diverse sizes and industry sectors.
In this discussion, we will examine the primary recurring benefits that these organizations have genuinely encountered, categorizing them into external and internal domains.
External Benefits
Winning New Business
When attempting to persuade senior leadership about the rationale behind investing in ISO 27001, any evident connection between certification and securing new business opportunities is likely to be warmly welcomed.
Many of the organizations featured in our case studies discussed the advantages of gaining entry into tender lists and being viewed as a "more appealing supplier." Some went beyond this point, stating that they had unequivocally clinched new business precisely because they had achieved ISO 27001 registration, highlighting a direct and undeniable correlation.
A frequently encountered advantage was that ISO 27001 served as a substantial distinguishing factor in the market, especially when it came to competitive tender scenarios.
“Without doubt, ISO 27001 registration is a key differentiator and significantly adds to our status in the marketplace.”
“Holding an ISO 27001 certificate has been beneficial to our sales team in converting prospective clients, as well as completing tenders.”
After obtaining ISO 27001 certification, nearly all of the organizations featured in our case studies noted a notable increase in trust and confidence.
Clients commonly expressed that ISO 27001 certification stood out as the most effective way to showcase their organization's dedication to top-notch information security practices and ongoing enhancement, both to their clients and other stakeholders.
“For those potential customers who need tangible evidence of a supplier’s commitment to information security, there is nothing to compare with ISO 27001.”
Internal Benefits
Evident from the case studies was the fact that the advantages extended beyond securing new business and gaining a competitive edge. Here are the principal internal benefits:
Every one of the clients in our case studies discussed how the adoption of ISO 27001 had influenced their internal systems and processes. Naturally, these changes differed among organizations based on their identified risks, but common outcomes encompassed:
Formalizing and documenting crucial operational procedures.
Enhancing incident management related to information security.
Improved classification of information.
Reinforcement of physical security measures.
Heightened awareness regarding the probability and consequences of threats.
This is a significant observation, with numerous individuals noting that ISO 27001 had brought about a noticeable transition toward a more transparent, non-blaming culture where information security was genuinely ingrained. For several, ISO 27001 certification extended its influence far beyond expectations, affecting all facets, including support functions such as HR, IT, and Finance.
Furthermore, one participant mentioned that "establishing an information security forum has already enhanced teamwork, communication, and localized accountability."
Additional remarks emphasized a heightened culture of awareness, resulting in "the organization now having a more comprehensive view of events, incidents, and emerging trends."
This is a benefit that often goes unnoticed. For many respondents, especially those from SME organizations, acquiring ISO 27001 certification was a significant source of pride and accomplishment.
It frequently served as a morale booster and offered employees the assurance that the company was dedicated to upholding quality and safeguarding information, including their personal data.
This sense of pride underscores the fact that this standard has an impact on every individual in the company, and through their actions (such as maintaining clear desks, reporting incidents, classifying information, and scrutinizing visitors), they are actively contributing to this ongoing enhancement.
An important operational advantage resulting from certification is the decrease in the time and resources required for tender submissions and pre-qualification questionnaires. Several respondents noted a reduction in the time spent preparing for audits and the amount of in-person interaction with auditors.
Another cost-related benefit that was mentioned involved the identification of precise controls to implement after conducting a risk assessment, as opposed to the haphazard and reactive approach to control implementation that many organizations typically employ.
By achieving ISO 27001 certification, the organizations examined in the case studies not only determined the internal controls they needed to put in place but also clarified the security-related requirements for services offered by crucial suppliers. This encompassed aspects such as information encryption, transmission, and backup.
Although it may be challenging to pinpoint precisely, the ultimate advantage reported by the case study organizations after obtaining ISO 27001 certification was the safeguarding of the company's reputation.
Whether through initiatives like staff awareness programs or enhanced supplier management, the reduction in the likelihood or impact of risks materializing translated into cost savings (including the avoidance of financial penalties and fines) and the preservation of the organization's brand and standing.